Thankful for …

For us folks here in Canada, today is the time of year when we celebrate Thanksgiving. I know it’s not celebrated around the world, but I think it’s one of the more important holidays, and we should all practice being thankful just because. Yesterday I celebrated the harvest (and the original reason for this holiday) with a turkey dinner with all the fixings with some great friends.


Today, I’m doing a blog post of 10 things I’m thankful for in knitting …

  1. That many, many, years ago, somebody decided to take 2 sticks and some yarn and develop the craft we call knitting.
  2. That not so many years ago, I decided to learn said craft!
  3. That I live in a time and place where I can knit freely, and with such amazing materials.
  4. That cashmere, silk, qiviut, possum, camel, and merino are just a few minutes walk away in as many colors as I can imagine.
  5. The internet!
  6. Ravelry, Pinterest, Knitty, and all the other amazing websites that inspire and teach – and this one too! 😉
  7. Fall color inspiration.
  8. Knitting groups and shows.
  9. Books!
  10. Each and every one of you that reads not only this blog, but others, and gives us reason to continue blogging!

I could of course continue to list many, many, more things I’m thankful for, but neither is there space or time … well, there’s probably space, but definitely not time. I hope that you have many reasons to be thankful – not just about knitting, but for everything in your life. Thank you all for your continued support and I look forward to repeating this post (well, one similar anyways) for many years to come!

Hugzzz 😎

* Show Update … The new episode is uploaded and on the site. If you have had any issues related to the technical issues from the past 2 days, please send me an email at and I’ll do everything I can to resolve it. Again, thanks! Your patience and understanding is appreciated – and is another thing I’m thankful for! 🙂


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