Everything I know I learned from knitting …

Okay, well maybe not everything. But quite a bit and even more as I get older. Here’s a few for now and maybe later I’ll post more …

1. A slip is not always a bad thing

A slip as in slip knot is the best way to get things started. Sometimes, when you first meet someone and you need a conversation starter, there’s a slip of the tongue as you fumble for the right thing to say. That leads to you laughing at yourself and putting the other person at ease.

A slipped stitch, when done intentionally is not a mistake and can create a beautiful design in a piece of work. In life, sometimes its a good thing to make an intentional mistake show how fallible you are.

2. If at first you don’t succeed, just frog it … there’s nothing wrong with starting over. Whether that means going back a few stitches, a few rows, or the whole darn thing. Starting over can give you a new perspective not only on your knitting project, but whatever challenge you have in front of you. That is if you were paying attention and have learned from the mistake that caused you to frog it in the first place.

3. Variety is the spice of life … knitting with the same yarn, same color, or same needles all the time gets very boring – quickly! Just like in knitting, changing what you’re working with (or who) creates endless possibilities in endless variations. Push that bubble and see what you can create – take a plunge and say hello to somebody new.

4. Everybody needs to make sure they get enough fiber! I think this one is self explanatory and even more so for knitters.

5. A good foundation is the key … if your cast on edge isn’t good, well your stitches may just unravel on you. In life this is true in almost anything. Relationships, careers, personal health, you name it. If you make sure the foundation is strong, the rest will thrive.

6. One stitch at a time gets the job done … it would be great if we could cast on our stitches and then just magically knit all the stitches we need at the same time. Well, I’m sure you know by now that’s not how it works in life either. There’s nothing wrong with doing it one stitch at a time – its therapeutic and it allows you time to enjoy the process and the journey. Same in life. When was the last time you took the time to enjoy a really good meal – I mean chewing every bite and enjoying the euphoria of flavors in your mouth? Or took the time to enjoy a good walk? Or a good read? Or a good kiss? Think about it and try and slow down … you’ll still get there, but you’ll have more memories when you arrive!

7. With just two stitches, you have a world of possibilities  or It takes two to make a thing go right … Isn’t it amazing what you can create with just a knit stitch and purl stitch? Isn’t it amazing what a computer can do with just a “1” and a “0”. Isn’t it amazing what two people can create together? Sometimes, the only thing you need to get the job done is one other person.

8. Size matters … If anybody tells you differently, they’re lying! If size didn’t matter, all needles would be the same size, yarn would be the same thickness, and we wouldn’t have to make another tension swatch – EVER! I’ll leave you to ponder the implications here.

9. It takes balls to knit … this should probably be first since its also my blog title, but as things would have it, its listed ninth. No biggie. It really does take balls to knit, as with anything else in life that you decide to do. I mean, think about it. Its easiest to just stay in bed and do nothing. But if you want to actually accomplish anything in life, you actually have to take a chance and try it.

10. Stereotyping is passe … If you told me 15 years ago I would be blogging about knitting I would have told you you were crazy. If you’d told me that the best golfer in the world would be black or one of the most popular rappers would be white I’d have laughed at you. If you’d told me any of a number of things where stereotyping was the norm … well you get the idea. Its a new decade and time we woke up and smelled the coffee. Anybody can do anything. They just have to have the balls to actually go out and do it!

Hugzzz 😎

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