
Knitting Interrupted …

[Translate] Hiya … so if you’ve been reading my blog regularly, thank you, and I owe you an apology. I haven’t posted much this summer and I’m sorry. When I look back, there’s no real reason for it, and I’m not going to try and come up with one either. In truth, I have been a little scattered. Now I’m used to that in my knitting life, but not everywhere else. All I can do is persevere and try and not make it happen again. In order to do this, I’ll try and make my posts more regular – […]

Jamaican Pride at the Winter Olympics!

I have recently found out that Jamaica – my birth country – has a freestyle skier competing in the games. So I intend to design and knit a Jamaican Pride sweater for the Knitting Olympics to commemorate this fact.