
Happy Belated to Me …

[Translate] It seems I had an anniversary last month that went by so quietly that I didn’t even realize it! On January 13th, I turned 5!! Yes, I have been doing this blog/website for 5 years now! Wow, where has the time gone?? In that time I have averaged almost 3 posts a week and have had visitors from literally all over the world! Looking at the analytics of the site, I have had visitors from places I have never even heard of before! Here is a map showing density of visitors to the site by geographical location. This […]

A world of knitting …

[Translate] Wow! I would like to thank everybody that has visited this site since I started it. After 150 posts you truly make we want to continue writing and I have to say that on the days that I don’t get to, I do miss it. I realize that I can’t post everyday as it becomes overwhelming for you (and me), but I often want to and probably could. At any rate, when I started this I had no idea of what to expect in terms of visitors and readers. About a month in I thought if I could […]