
Close Knit Community

[Translate] Every now and then something happens that just puts a smile on my face! Yesterday, this very thing happened. I was coming home on transit from a day on a commercial for Wells Fargo when I noticed the Chinese lady behind me had a unique pouch for her Compass Card. That’s the card that we now use for our transit system to pay our fares. The color – a dark cranberry – caught my eye first. When I looked closer I realized it had been knitted. I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she knitted it […]

Spring Forward…

[Translate] I don’t usually pay attention to certain things – I wait to hear it through the grapevine. So it was with a little surprise that I heard that clocks move forward this spring. At least for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere that follow daylight savings time. Those in the south that are heading into fall, your clocks go back. For us though, it means more daylight time to knit! Yeah! The question is what to knit. I have a few (okay, more than a few)projects on the go (and I plan to finish them all), but […]

The “C” Word … and 2 more clues

[Translate] Sorry – I’m not talking commitment! I don’t have a problem with commitment, just saying, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. This is a knitting blog after all! The “C” word we’re talking about is “crochet”. Now before all you knitters hit your back button on your browsers, stick around for a little bit and read a paragraph or two. For some strange reason, a large group of knitters seem to think that crochet is a bad word. It’s like there’s a competition between knitting and crocheting and you can only do one or the other. […]