
Time to block …

[Translate] If you’ve been following along on the KAL for the summer top, you should be either finished or almost there. I’ve finished all the pieces and now just have to make a quick fit check, then block the pieces and sew it together.  While this sounds like a quick series of events, please let me remind you to take your time at this stage. Start with the fit. If the person you are making it for is handy, use a bunch of pins or clips and semi-put it together to make sure there aren’t any major adjustments to […]

Plum perfect!

[Translate] Okay, let me start by saying that I am not putting up this post to annoy anyone who doesn’t happen to live in or around the greater metropolitan area of Vancouver, BC. It just so happens that we are a very blessed city and every day it just seems to get better and better. Last night my regular Thursday knitting group (Froggers Anonymous – you can find them at went on a field trip to check out a new shop in North Vancouver – Plum Project Studio. Wow – how cool was that! The owner/operator is Janice […]