The Barrington Braid … and more!


The Barrington Braid is just the beginning …


This is the ebook that explains cables, how to make them, and most of all, describes the Barrington Braid in detail. It comes with the pattern for the braid, both charted and written. There is also a chart for the Angel Braid – a 16 strand braid – and the formulation for you to create a braid of any size, or to calculate the largest braid you could fit into a certain number of stitches. With this in your hand you’ll be able to create dazzling braids and variations!

Hugzzz 😎


  1. Amy

    Are there patterns or is it solely to create you’re own pattern? I’m really interested in the shrug and white scarf.

  2. Mrhugzzz

    Amy, instructions are included on how to do the Barrington Braid so you could add it to a scarf or even a sweater. The shrug is a pattern released separately, but if you hold out a day or two, it will be re-released on Ravelry as Angel 2.0
    Hugzzz 😎

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