alice starmore

The Cable Guy …

[Translate] Well, since this is a leap year, I get one more day in February to post about something I love in knitting. If you know me, you’ll know that I LOVE cables. As a matter of fact, cables are a large part of the reason I began knitting at all! I had cables in the back of my mind as a goal to achieve once I knew how to knit. I always like the way there seemed to be some rope twisting and turning on the top of a sweater. And when they moved from left to right […]

More Alice!

[Translate] My knitting library has a new favorite item – Alice Starmore’s Aran Knitting. If you knit regularly and even pick up a catalogue or two over a season, you’ll probably have heard that Alice Starmore was releasing an updated copy of her very popular Aran Knitting book. If you didn’t know or haven’t heard, Alice Starmore has released an updated copy of her very popular book – Aran Knitting. It is as amazing as the first one – because it is the first one – but with MORE Alice, MORE Star, MORE Alice Starmore. I was lucky enough […]