Funny Monday …

You know how Mondays are looked upon as the worst day of the week? Well, I thought I would put a little cheer into your Monday with some knitting jokes. If you’re reading this on Tuesday, I can’t promise that it’ll cheer you up as much, but the jokes should be just as funny. I promise I’ll get back to the serious (kinda) stuff tomorrow …

Did you hear the one about the woman on her death bed. For years her husband had been discouraged from touching or opening the shoe box she kept on the top shelf of their closet. Before dieing she asked him to bring the box to her. Inside was $25,000 in cash and one crocheted dollie. When asked about the dollie she explained that her mother had given her advice when they first married. The wife was encouraged to crochet a dollie when she got mad rather that blowing up. Her husband smiled with delight. What a joy that she had only gotten upset once. Understanding about the dollie, he then asked her about the $25,000. Her answer was: “That’s the money I made selling dollies.”

What does a pirate knit with?

Q. How many sheep does it take to knit a sweater? A. I didn’t even know they could knit!

A piece of yarn walks into a bar and orders a beer, but the bartender snarls, “We don’t serve your kind here!”. The yarn is forced to leave.
While sitting on the curb feeling sorry for himself, the yarn is suddenly hit with a brilliant idea. Working quickly, he ties himself into a knot and unravels his ends. Taking a deep breath, the yarn marches back into the bar and orders a beer.
“Hey!” says the bartender. “Ain’t you that piece of yarn I just threw outta here?”
“Nope,” replies the yarn, “I’m a frayed knot.”

How do knitters send messages to each other?

A few funnies I found around the net …

And my personal favorite for obvious reasons …
Hugzzz 😎

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